
教师, 工作人员, 学生s and community members are highly encouraged to contribute their thoughts and perspectives on the draft institutional plan throughout the fall semester 
图表显示推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜战略计划过程的五个阶段. 目前处于第二阶段,正在制定机构计划.

The second phase of the strategic planning process will continue into the fall semester.



  • Preliminary proposals of the draft institutional plan are being presented for community review, 整个秋季学期都在收集反馈. 

  • All community members are strongly encouraged to provide feedback at strategicplan.事业单位.edu.   

  • 学校领导希望收到来自各个单位的意见, 大学和校园通过网站和面对面的接触.   

  • Guidance and resources for unit-level planning will be shared later in the fall semester, 单元作业预计在春季开始.   

宾州大学公园. — A draft proposal of Penn State’s institutional strategic plan has been unveiled and shared with the community for feedback and discussion. 鼓励所有校园的所有教职员工和学生参观 策略计划网站 检讨四个目标范畴的草图,并提供意见. 

“I want to thank the many Penn Staters who have already contributed and shared their expertise throughout Phase 1 and Phase 2 of this process. 随着我们的发展, I consider this community feedback phase to be the most pivotal part of strategic planning,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜校长尼利·本达普迪说. “If we are to be successful in developing a strategic plan that drives our Penn State community from great to greater, 我们需要你的观点.”  

整个夏天, dedicated workgroups developed draft 目标, objectives, metrics and strategies, which are now being shared after a preliminary review from the Board of Trustees.  

“The draft aims to capture what we see as critical to moving the University closer to achieving our 目标, but your voice and input as to whether we have identified the key factors are critical at this stage,大卫R说。. 史密斯, 指导副院长, executive director of the Division of Undergraduate Studies and member of the Phase 2 working group on 学生 success. “Our actionable strategic plan needs to be validated by those in our community who do this work daily.”  


每个目标都有一个精简的框架, 包括目标(我们想要达到的目标), 度量标准(我们将如何衡量成功), 以及策略(我们将如何移动指针), 在社区调查中概述).  

The draft plan is designed to focus on key areas to help galvanize the Penn State community and measure tangible impact. The institutional plan is not intended to be an exhaustive reflection on every priority; rather, the vision of this community-led plan is to determine achievable strides forward for the institution and be easily understood, 采纳并可执行. 

额外的 目标 

The “Transforming Health Care through Academic and Clinic Synergy” goal will follow a unique timeline and process led by Penn State Health and the College of Medicine. The community will be asked for feedback on this goal after a draft is completed.  

除了, each of the strategic plan 目标 will be supported by the “Transforming Internal Operations” goal and other University initiatives providing necessary infrastructure and support to achieve Penn State’s objectives. 

“我们不会走自己的轨迹,而是要深入嵌入 将内部运作转化为计划的每个目标, and we will continue to make sure our operations are supportive and impactful in order to help bring our vision to life,迈克尔·韦德·史密斯说, 高级副总裁兼幕僚长.   


在反馈窗口在秋季学期关闭之前, 学校领导鼓励每一个单位, college and campus to provide their insights through the website and in-person engagements.   

To foster participation and leverage expertise of those across the University that is directly relevant to each of the plan’s goal areas, 规划办公室, Assessment and Institutional 研究 (OPAIR) will continue to lead targeted engagements, 整个秋季的工作会议和聚会. 单位, groups and committees that would like to provide feedback during brainstorming discussions should contact (电子邮件保护) 安排这些活动. 

社区 members who provide their perspectives through the website will be asked to share their association with the University (工作人员, 教师, 学生, 校友, 等.)及其单位. 虽然不是必需的, individuals are encouraged to share their names to enable OPAIR to follow up with any questions.   

“当我们说‘我们是’时,这句话会让人产生一种社区意识. One way that our communities can build a sense of belonging is through a strong strategic plan,博尼·费尔南德斯·沃佐莱克说, director of inclusive excellence and associate professor of education at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 and DEIB第二阶段目标工作组的成员. 考虑到这一点, 我希望我们得到坚强, constructive feedback so that when we can include ideas captured from voices across the Penn State community.”  

一旦反馈表单关闭, community members’ feedback will be analyzed and used to revise the draft plan. University leadership expects to share the finalized institutional plan with the community by early spring.   


随着体制规划进程的继续, 单位级计划的指导和资源将在今年秋天晚些时候共享. 单位 will develop their individual plans, including strategies that support the institutional 在OPAIR的协助下,在春季期间制定目标、目标和指标.  

“我们的制度计划将成为每个单位的北极星, 将我们所有的努力与大学的重点工作结合起来, while also empowering our individual communities to chart their own unique path to success,特蕾西·兰基德说, 临时执行副校长兼教务长. ”在一起, 这些努力不仅会加强我们的全校计划, 但也要为每个单位提供雄心勃勃的、可操作的框架.”  

As the strategic planning process takes shape throughout the fall semester and beyond, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜社区被鼓励访问战略计划.事业单位.Edu定期更新并提供参与的机会.